The Soul Power series of courses enable you to develop consciously and realize and express your authentic being. The core program includes three courses, offered initially in 2008 and 2009. The first of the core courses provide a new, evolutionary framework, a map of consciousness enabling us to see where we are going and understand where we are. The second course provides in depth training with the tools for the journey, examining how we can intentionally traverse the terrain of life and our own consciousness. Section III is a coaching program, providing a guide and companion for the initial phase of the journey. Additional workshops explore soul relationships (Soul Dance) and transformational intelligence (Soul Mind).
Soul Quest (Section One 3-day workshop)
Soul Quest presents a new human story, a different way of understanding who we are and why we are here. This evolutionary framework examines the structure of human consciousness, and explores the nature of each element. We discuss vertical and horizontal dimensions of consciousness, understanding the stages of the soul's development, and its specific personality "type." The workshop explores the process of spiritual development, and the power of consciously aligning with the process, instead of resisting it.
Soul Presence (Section Two 3-day workshop)
Soul Journey is a primarily experiential workshop, providing the participant with tools for conscious growth. After developing a map of consciousness, we now explore and travel over the actual terrain. We use meditation, self-inquiry, dialog, and writing exercises to uncover the unconscious beliefs, patterns and old experiences that define our self-image, and learn to dissolve these, allowing the next stage of our development to emerge.
Soul Purpose (Section Three 6-month coaching program)
Participants in Soul Purpose undertake a conscious journey of growth, with a companion and guide assisting them in finding and living their unique path. They discover that heir journey includes both their unique "karma" and "dharma." Their "karma" and their location on the consciousness grid reveal the key areas of development and growth. Their "dharma" points to their unique talents, to develop and express, and to the contribution they desire to make to their loved ones and to the world.
These ingredients: conscious growth, deep relationships, engagement in one's reason for being here, a sense of personal freedom, and an authentic experience of who one really is, are essential components for a fulfilling, successful, and joyous life.
Soul Dance - (3-day workshop)
Have you done all the self-work, but still find yourself in unfulfilling relationships. Could it be that our expectations about intimate relationships are based on unrealistic fantasies and just not achievable?
Would you like to understand what makes relationships work, why they fail so often, and how to consciously attract relationships that will grow with you.
For details click here.