Soul Dance : Attracting and Creating Fulfilling Relationships


Soul Dance

It doesn’t interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back

.---Oriah Mountain Dreamer

The Hidden Dance

About intimate relationships, you are either:

  • In one
  • Looking for one
  • Not looking any more, because they just don't work for you.

Unless you are one of those rare people, who have  a perfect relationship fulfilling all their fantasies, you fall into one of the above categories, and this workshop is for you.

Seriously, on a planet of seven billion people, why is it so hard to find a partner? And when we do, why is it so challenging to experience true intimacy, develop effective partnerships, and feel genuinely fulfilled.

The problem lies in our conscious and subconscious beliefs about our own inadequacies and the perfect partners who will complete us and make us happy. That's the Ego Dance.  In this perception about relationships, our partner has to fit an ideal picture that will satisfy our needs and make our sense of deficiency go away. And we all try to be the person our lovers want us to be.  In that process, however, we both lose our sense of ourself, and are unable to see our partners as the beautiful and unique beings they really are. We experience not being fully known or met, and not being real and honest with ourselves or our partners.

In the Soul Dance, you let go of those ideals of how things are supposed to be, and experience yourself, your partner and the relationship as it is, in the moment, in absolute love and truth. You discover that actually knowing yourself, your partner and experiening what is happening is far more fulfilling than trying to make everything fit into an idealized image that is supposed to make you happy.

Soul Dance is a substantive relationship workshop that will enable you to:

  • Create a level of self awareness regarding your beliefs about the ideal relationship, and help you realize how they are a source of self defeating frustration.
  • See the masculine-feminine dance in love, recognize that we all have both aspects of consciousness within us, and embrace either as the moment demands
  • Understand that no one can complete you, and that the Law of Attraction brings to you people who mirroryour beliefs about your deficiencies to you, so you can release them.
  • Experience and integrate the understanding that the real purpose of relationships is for your soul to evolve and know itself, not for your ego to fulfill its fantasies.
  • Realize that what you really yearn for is deep connection with other human beings and spirit, and to be present and real in a way that allows your heart to both authentically touch and be touched.
  • Attract a partner who will play with you at the depth that you are willing and able to play.

To hear from participants in Soul Dance workshops, who have experienced this transformation in themselves, and their relationships, please click here.


Workshop Details

Tuition: $277 ($227 for early registration); $507 ($407 for early registration) for couples, $20 Friday evening only

Course Duration:  Friday Evening 6:30 to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm

Course Dates: See our Calendar for upcoming workshop dates.

To Register:  To register and pay by credit card, click hereTo register and pay by check, click here to download the registration form, email us at or call (480) 314-1983.


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