Spirit at Work: Transforming Leaders and Organizations

Organizational transformation occurs broadly across three possible dimensions:

  • The efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's processes for doing work
  • The organization's culture: its purpose for being, its story, and its way of relating to its stake holders
  • The abilities and capacities of its leaders and members

Integral Transformation Systems focuses on developing individuals to their full potential, which is frequently well beyond anything they may have imagined. Most individual development programs offer different kinds of skills training, or coaching at a psychological level.  Transformational leaders, however, are rarely distinguished from others because they possess superior skills to their peers.  Rather, they demonstrate a quality of spirit that enables them to express and live to their full potential, see possibilities in their people that others do not, and to create a space in which everyone has the opportunity to develop and express their full potential.

ITS offers training and coaching programs that develop people spiritually, and enable them to function in work and life from their greater spiritual potential and ability. Traditionally, spiritual growth and transfomation has been the province of mystics, and the results of such spiritual practice often have been detachment from the world, rather than enhanced engagement with it.  Our unique spiritual transformational programs create profound change in a relatively short space of time, sharply enhancing the individual's ability to function from:

  • An expanded context of life
  • A free and unlimited sense of being and possibility
  • An enhanced abilty to relate compassionately to others
  • A deep inner sense of integrity

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success7 Laws for Engaging Spirit in the Workplace
This workshop, based on the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, was developed by the Corporate Programs & Services Group at the Chopra Center for Well Being. The workshop uses small and large group discussion, video, music, meditation, and exercises to create a transformational experience. For the practical professional, mastery of each law results in the development of specific management competencies. These skill sets were defined by leadership development consultants, Lominger Limited, Inc., as part of a set of 65 comprehensive management competencies.

ReSurfacing WorkshopReSurfacing® Workshop (Avatar® Section I)
The ReSurfacing® course is the cutting-edge self-development program that can answer the demands of outpacing an ever-evolving business culture. This program focuses on developing the whole person through an experiential based workshop that explores the underlying structure of human interaction, behavior and performance – beliefs. By managing beliefs the individual can overcome personal limitations that impede the flow in business operations. This innovative approach creates happier, more adaptable and more effective employees and managers, which in turn, empowers the organization as a whole.


Bandwidth Workshop

The Bandwidth Workshop unleashes human capacity by reducing stress, freeing attention and de-cluttering your mind.  In these uncertain times, are you or your employees experiencing a loss of productivity through stress and distraction.  In this innovative one-day workshop, you will learn simple and practical techniques to:

  • Free your attention from those distracting concerns and focus it on the task at hand.
  • Meditate, quiet your mind, and release stress.
  • Organize, align and prioritize your goals, projects and tasks to enhance your effectivess and efficiency


Executive Development Coaching

Are leaders born or made?  A great deal has been written about leadership and its attributes, and many leadership programs have been offered to the corporate world.  However, a deeper examination of the many qualities that distinguish transformational leadership reveals a common thread: all these attributes are functions of the individual’s level of cognitive and emotional development.  Cognitively, transformational leaders are able to think systemically, assess situations more completely, examine and question underlying beliefs and assumptions, see what others don’t, and so bring new paradigms into existence.  Emotionally, such leaders are aware of their own and others developmental process.  They are able to relate to others with greater understanding and compassion, and inspire them to grow to and express their real potential.  Our executive development coaching program helps executives and managers to uncover their innate cognitive and emotional potential, and to become transformational leaders.



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